Nuendo / Cubase Direct Offline Processing CRASH
under review
Afrizal Oktaputra
Nuendo 13 also crash in Direct offline processing and insert. Please fix this ASAP
Matteo Bohé
We also have 100% crashes when we try to use Clear in DOP.
Nuendo 12. Windows 11 22H2.
In Nunedo 13 it works fine!
under review
Merged in a post:
Cubase Compatibility Issue
Cubase crashes when Clear used.
Poul de Haan
Goyo crashed almost 50% of the time with DOP in Nuendo. But Clear crashes almost ALL the time with DOP (90% maybe). Unusable this way.
Spirit Fingers
Poul de Haan Strangly Goyo worked for us and didn't crash, but Clear crashes all the time. Does anybody at Supertone tech-support have any clues why is this happening?
Jozua Loots
Poul de Haan I could reliably reproduce (100% of the time) a crash with Goyo + Nuendo 12 (Mac) in DOP when I hit the preview audio button in DOP window. Just running the process without previewing crashed some of the time but couldn't see an obvious pattern. Clear + Nuendo 13 has been a bit more stable but still crashes everything from time to time. (I have less data here because I don't trust the plugin anymore and reach for other tools instead when I need to work fast.)