I have this same issue with my track that has vocals with the Clear plugin when exporting the vocals are off sync to my drums. I'm using the latest version of FL studio.
Luis miguel Leonardo
I feel bad because I paid some money for this it doesn't work for me it comes out late my voice is late
Luis miguel Leonardo
When you exported the audio to mp3 the voice goes out of time and sounds out of time while in FL Studio it sounds good but when you exported it out of time
Merged in a post:
audio delay
דניאל רובינצ'יק
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is this a joke?
Piotr Rosiński
After exporting something out w fl studio with clear on vocals, they appear sped up , shifted in time etc. How can i fix it? In fl studio everything is fine but after export its all bugged.
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Problem when exporting projects
Piotr Rosiński
After exporting something out w fl studio with clear on vocals, they appear sped up , shifted in time etc. How can i fix it? In fl studio everything is fine but after export its all bugged
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Vocal Delay on Export
Louis K
Whenever I use Clear on any of my vocal tracks it works great and is perfectly in sync with the tempo of the song but when I export it out as a full song the vocals are always delayed from the instrumental!
Which DAW are you using?
דניאל רובינצ'יק
Thomas FL
דניאל רובינצ'יק: Got it! I'm merging your post to FL delay compensation issue.
דניאל רובינצ'יק
Hello, the plugin cleans the sound well, but for some reason, when using it and converting a track to mp3, the tracks on which it is used are delayed and do not play on time. If it were possible to attach audio, I would show with it and without it there is a noticeable difference. When I used “goyo” this was not the case.
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voice offset during rendering
matisse_ 94
all the voices are offset from the instrument on the renders, which forces me to export track by track on each render, which is a pain in the ass.
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